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Away We Go: a Great Movie for Expectant Parents

Submitted by nikki on Mon, 09/28/2009 - 16:22

Away We Go is a perfect movie for slightly irreverent thirtysomethings embarking on the adventure parenthood. John Krasinski (Jim from The Office) and Maya Rudolph (from Saturday Night Live) are a couple who just found out they are unexpectedly having a baby, and start visiting friends and family around the US to decide where to move and raise their child.

Prenatal Yoga in Denver

Submitted by nikki on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:36

Yoga is a great way to stay active during pregnancy and to open up those hips for birthing. It's also a great idea to practice at home, keeping in mind the following modifications to regular poses:

Yoga Modifications for Pregnancy

  • avoid doing too many twists
  • modify backbends: in poses like dancer, don't do the full backbend and instead focus on lifting out of your back. Pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on your back so you don't want to put any more.
  • stick to the left side. Try to avoid poses where you lay on your right side.
  • Modify savasana. Instead of laying on your back after 3 months, prop your back up with a bolster and bring the soles of your feet together so your legs make a diamond shape (sorry y'all, forgot what that one's called).

Apothecary Tinctura: An Herbal Shop (and SPA) focused on women's health in Denver

Submitted by nikki on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 11:56

Apothecary Tinctura

I've driven past this place a million times on 6th Avenue and Franklin in Denver, and was finally prompted to go when I learned about their specialty in women's health through the Mountain Midwifery Center. When I stopped by, a knowledgeable herbalist recommended some supplements, tea, and essential oils and I perused the pregnant women and baby section. I could have spent hours in the store, but came away with:

  • EPA/DHA essentials supplement for brain development (you can also get DHA through eating fish, which I don't eat enough of)
  • Probiotic supplement: which you can also get by eating kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

Colorado's Only Birthing Center: Mountain Midwifery

Submitted by nikki on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 11:55

Colorado's Mountain Midwifery Center is the only free-standing birthing center in Colorado. While a common institution in Europe, Canada, and Australia, birthing centers are relatively few and far between in the US.

How is a Birthing Center different than a hospital?

Birthing centers are generally staffed by Certified Nurse Midwives who have a master's level degree specializing in midwifery.

  • Philosophy: the belief underlying most birthing centers is that having a baby is a normal part of life, not an extreme medical condition that requires excessive medicine, technology, and medical intervention. Centers are meant for healthy low-risk women who are looking for a natural birth.

Where to have a baby: Hospital? Birthing Center? Home Birth?

Submitted by nikki on Thu, 07/23/2009 - 16:53

When I found out I was pregnant, I assumed I would see an obgyn and go to the hospital, like every other woman in the developed world. I checked in with a few friends who all had recommendations, including one friend who had her baby at a birthing center. Birthing what? I went to the orientation, and scared the place would feel too placenta milkshake for me, I ended up loving their philosophy about birth and wellness during pregnancy.

Top reasons you might consider a birthing center

  1. Pregnancy is viewed and treated as a natural part of life, not a medical condition.
