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Getting a Cheap Orbit Stroller in Denver

Submitted by greg on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 13:29

Based on my sister's recommendation (and after using hers) we decided we wanted to get one as well. It helped our decision that our once a week babysitters (grandma/opa) have some of orbit kit as well so they liked the idea of both of their grand-babies using them.

Fortunately we had a trip to LA planned shortly after Nikki became pregnant and in LA the orbit is really popular and there are tons of them available used on craigslist. Denver doesn't have nearly as many but in the last few months I've seen more and more showing up recently, though.

You can periodically search for orbit or orbit stroller. My ideal is to use the RSS feed for orbits.

You can usually find them for $500 to $700 depending on condition and how hard the individual wants to negotiate. Note that getting a used car set is somewhat questionable for safety reasons, but we found Orbit was very willing to send us a new base station given that our old one was worn out and unsafe.