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Belly Bliss: A Place for all things Pregnancy in Cherry Creek North

Submitted by nikki on Sun, 03/07/2010 - 16:40

I always assumed Belly Bliss was yet another overpriced baby clothes boutique in Cherry Creek North, but it has been one of my favorite places during pregnancy.


Belly Bliss offers an array of yoga and pilates classes both during and after pregnancy. All the classes I've been to are great and around the same prices as other prenatal yoga places in Denver. An occasionally offered class is a partner yoga class, where you can bring a partner and practice poses that can help get you into a deeper stretch both in class and at home.

Cute Clothing and Baby Products

From maternity to baby clothes, cloth diapers, slings and other items a parent-to-be may desire, Belly Bliss provides a small but unique collection of items.

Special Events and Workshops

Although we've only attended two of the many workshops and events, Belly's Night Out and a cloth diapering workshop, there are several other workshop and baby care classes, including some free educational classes.

All in all, Belly Bliss is a great resource for pregnant and parenting families.